WE – Real World Education to Foster Environmental Awareness

i WE - Real World Education to Foster Environmental Awareness 2022 – 2024 7 partners from 6 EU countries (LV, GR, CY, DK, IT, ES) came together to create the WE: Real-World Education to foster environmental awareness project proposal which aims to produce a...

E-sport as Accelerator for Social Inclusive Education

i E-sport as Accelerator for Social Inclusive Education 2023 – 2026 EASIE project purpose is to foster and explore a new pedagogical method within the digital frame of e-sport to address both objectives of the Digital Action Plan and its priorities. This...

Learning Region

i Fehmarn Belt Learning Region 2023 – 2026   Det nye dansk-tyske initiativ hedder helt officielt ‘Fehmarn Belt Learning Region’ – Dannelsesregionen på dansk og Bildungsregion på tysk. Dannelsesregionen skal styrke samarbejdet inden for...

Move Your Mind

i Move Your Mind 2022 – 2024 The project focuses on social inclusion of vulnerable young adults between the ages of 16 and 27 at a distance from the labor market and education. It is a follow-up to two projects; “Move” and “Move Beyond”....

HAVE – Hybrid Classrooms in Adult and VET Education

i Hybrid Classrooms in Adult and VET Education 2022 – 2025 The COVID-19 lockdown has emphasized the requirement of offering citizens with feweropportunities other pedagogical training methods than those already established. In the period of online teaching, some...