Five by Five
2017 – 2019
“Five by five” stands for five educational institutions which decided to join together in a network. The five main topics are:
- Migration, forced migration, recognition of prior learning, labour market transition
- Digitisation, preparing the world of education for the future world of work
- Shifting from input oriented to outcome oriented education and training, incl. ECVET
- Adopting new media didactics: the use of social media, micro-learning, game-based learning and other new media types in training and education
- Adopting new learner centred didactics: the use of agile and problem based approaches in training and education
For each of the five topics, members of the partner organisations will form a knowledge community for collaborative research and exchange of best practice examples. The knowledge community will break down the topics into specific sub-topics and select the most relevant ones for further discussion.
At three-day short term staff training events (one event per topic) two persons of each partner organisation will meet in person for further intensive work. The results and findings will be documented in short video or text and disseminated internally and externally. At the end of the project, a consolidated compilation of identified best practices and a checklist for “best-practice-readiness” for each topic will be published as well.
At the organisational level, the capacity to address the key challenges related to migration, digitalisation and modernisation of VET will be increased. The participating organisations will have formed a knowledge community (one per topic) that can easily be sustained beyond the duration of the project.
The project aims to:
- Contribute to the adaptability and innovation-readiness of the project partner organisations.
- Increase organisational know-how related to the five main themes of the project.
- Identify, document and disseminate best practice related to the five main themes of the project.
- create a sustainable network of like-minded education institutions.

Project manager
Pernille Skov Sørensen
Project details
Project Period: 01-09-2017 – 30-06-2019
Programme: Erasmus+
Project Reference: 2017-1-AT01-KA202-035024
Project Short Name: 5by5
Project Grant: 63.980,00 EUR
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic partnerships for vocational education and training
Project partners
Berufsförderungsinstitut Wien (AT) | Coordinator
VUC Storstrøm (DK)
Tampereen Aikuiskoulutussäätiö sr (FI)
Oskar-von-Miller-Schule Kassel, rechtlich selbstständige Berufliche Schule der Stadt Kassel, rechtsfähige Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechtes (DE)
Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade (PT)
Do you think VUC Storstrøm would fit into your project idea? Or maybe you would like to visit our team in the Project and Development Department or the Nordic Center for Digital Adult Learning? Send us an e-mail and we’ll talk about it!